First off: I received an ARC of this graphic novel through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own for better or worse, etc. On to my thoughts:
This book is GORGEOUS. I can't wait for it to come out in January 2020, because I am absolutely going to buy it. I hoard graphic novels and comics, as well as science fiction and fantasy literature, so this will fit right in with what I've got going. Plus, I have an abiding love for the work of Octavia Butler. Soooo... yeah, it's going to be mine.
The art, which was done by John Jennings is beautifully done. Although in this ARC it is incomplete, it still rocked my world. The completed pictures are lovely, but even the sketches show the promise of beautiful panels to come. And I have to say, the decision to show the journal entries as handwriting on bits of notebook paper was an artistically wonderful decision.
As for story, well, it's Parable of the Sower. This adaptation doesn't veer away from the source material.
4.5 out of 5 arbitrary items of rating.
If you've read the book, this provides an interesting addition to the story. If you haven't, you should, but if you'd rather skip it and go straight for the graphic novel, that's fine too. You'll miss out on a bit of brilliant storytelling direct from Butler, but this is still thoroughly satisfying, and will give you most of the story.
What do you think of graphic novel adaptations of existing literature? For me it really depends, but I liked this one a lot. Good art really helps for me, and Jennings certainly delivered there.
Parable of the Sower
Octavia Butler
Adaptation by Damian Duffy
Art by John Jennings
ISBN 9781419731334
Release date January 14, 2020
$24.99 (USD)
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